The Most Beautiful Starbucks Store – The Bank in Amsterdam | Interior Design Shop


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Hospitality Interior Design Ideas
November 27, 2014
The Most Beautiful Starbucks Store – The Bank in Amsterdam
The Most Beautiful Starbucks Store - The Bank in Amsterdam | This concept store is located in the famous Rembrandt Square, was developed within a subterranean space, replacing a historic bank, and is characterized by a highly original design.

The Most Beautiful Starbucks Store - The Bank in Amsterdam | This concept store is located in the famous Rembrandt Square, was developed within a subterranean space, replacing a historic bank, and is characterized by a highly original design.

The Most Beautiful Starbucks Store – The Bank in Amsterdam | This concept store is located in the famous Rembrandt Square, was developed within a subterranean space, replacing a historic bank, and is characterized by a highly original design.

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